Thursday, June 5, 2008

Hey, The Room is Getting Smaller. "No it's not. He's getting bigger!"

I'm finally at a point in my comprehensive exams/dissertation writing where I’m actually enjoying everything I’m reading. I mean I’m consuming articles and books at rates I didn’t even come close to reaching when I was taking classes. Of course, I’ve now focused my research topic so I'm reading material that will define who I am as a scholar. But I love it. Its like I can’t get enough. For those who care I'm reading the literature on identity, gender, masculinity, black masculinity, black boys in education, and the black middle class. Don’t get me wrong...there is a TON of literature out there but I want all of it. Its like I'm dying of intellectual thirst and I'm diving into a hydration pool of knowledge. I'm trying to fill the symbolic dead space in my head with cerebral noise. But it’s more than just information consumption that drives me, because information in itself is useless. It’s power lies in its ability to transform humans, to significantly alter how we see and move through the world. It’s power lies in our existentialist ability to transmute problems that affect our local, national, and global communities. But probably the greatest result of my love of knowledge, my philos sophia, is that it changes me. I can no longer be the same person that I was after consuming a text. Even in resisting the content of a text, I am changing, mutating into a person that is hopefully qualitatively better.

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